The key to smooth and shiny hair is keratin treatments. A frizz-free, glossy look is just a process away. However, you should know what you are going to get. A good stylist should walk you through the process before it begins. After all, this is about your hair! No one should be confused while sitting before a hairstylist. So, we created a guide on everything you need to know about keratin treatments.
History of Philadelphia Hair Salons
A bad hair day does not only affect your appearance, it brings your stature down completely. Your face starts to radiate it first, then it starts to get visible in your words and mood. So a bad hair day is actually a bad day.
While reading through history, we will find out that 18th century was all about wigs. All the hair dressers started making wigs, but who are we kidding, this was never going to last long. Philly is certainly filled with so many hair salons and when you get saturation, you get competition.
Top Hair Colors to Rock This Spring
Anyone in Philadelphia knows that hair is an integral part of your outfit. It is one great way to get into the season's vibe. The beautiful thing about spring is that it is all about colors. Wearing colors in different shades is a part of the spring vibe. Philadelphia has its hair vibe all on its own. It is easy to get into spring wearing a fun, dynamic hair color.
Hair Color: What to Consider
Wе all wаnt tо lооk оur best. It іѕ true. Whеn сhаngіng thе соlоr оf our hair thеrе are uѕuаllу mаnу questions аnd аnѕwеrѕ tо соnѕіdеr. Aѕ a professional hаіr stylist аnd hair соlоrіѕt fоr many years, I have answered countless іmроrtаnt questions from mу clients about rесеіvіng hаіr соlоrіng and hіghlіghtіng ѕеrvісеѕ. I will аlѕо аnѕwеr thе questions that I ѕubmіt іn this article tо give уоu a head ѕtаrt оn the knowledge уоu need tо bе familiar with when purchasing a hаіr соlоr ѕеrvісе аt уоur salon. Shаll wе begin?
Trendy Hair Colors to Consider This Season
When it comes to dying the hair, women can get really serious. Most girls do not like to mess around with their hair colors. They want everything to be perfect. Whether it is the golden hair color or the subtle highlights, it is not easy to satisfy the women when it comes to colors the hair. However, there are many ladies who are often confused whether the hair colors they are going to have will suit them or not.
There are many things you have to consider before having your hair colors. It starts with your complexion. Your skin colors matter a lot when it comes to the selection of hair colors you would like to have. Apart from that, the maintenance of every shade is different. Before dying your hair, it is better that you consult a specialist to get the information related to the different trendy shades and the ones that will suit your style perfectly. Here we have the list of 2019’s most trendy hair colors you can consider having.
Healthy Hair Starts With Vitamins
Keep Your Great Haircut & Style in Great Shape
You’ve found the perfect stylist who has given you a fantastic cut and an amazing color, and has gotten your hair happy and healthy again. And for a few days after your appointment, you look fantastic. Slowly but surely, as the days wear on, you notice those subtle hints that the shine is coming off the apple…you. What can you do from home to keep your hair in great shape between appointments?
Love Your Hair Color? Get A Gloss
You’ve finally found the perfect color, and you look fantastic. Hats off to you and your stylist! Now, you’re struck with a horrible thought as you leave the salon. This is it. Your hair will never look this good again. This perfect color may become just a memory. And it will if you don’t treat it with tender loving care. Not to worry. There’s a treatment that will help your color stay looking its best for longer, and it will help protect your hair, too.